Random sort
Random sorting (Bogosort) is one of the most inefficient array sorting algorithms.
Bubble sort
Bubble sort (bubble sort) is one of the easiest to understand methods for sorting arrays.
Shaker sort
Shuffle sorting (cocktail sort) or shaker sorting is an advanced type of bubble sorting in which the sorting is performed in two directions, changing direction with each pass.
Insertion sort
Insertion sort is a sorting algorithm in which all elements of an array are scanned in turn, with each element being placed in an appropriate place among previously ordered values.
Stooge sort
Stooge sort (sorting by parts) – a recursive array sorting algorithm.
Pancake sort
Pancake sorting – an array sorting algorithm in which sorting is performed by flipping a part of the array.
Shell sort
Shell sort – an array sorting algorithm that generalizes sorting by inserts.
Merge sort
Merge sort - an array sorting algorithm that is implemented on the principle of “divide and conquer”. The task of sorting an array is divided into several sub-tasks of sorting arrays of smaller size, after which the result is combined, which leads to the solution of the initial problem.
Selection sort
Selection sort – an array sorting algorithm that is comparable in speed with bubble sorting.
Quick sort
Quick sort or Hoar sort is one of the fastest data sorting algorithms.
Gnome sort
Gnome sort – an easy-to-implement array sorting algorithm, named after the garden gnome, which supposedly sorts garden pots using this method.